In this article, we are going to see about shuffling an array in JavaScript. Shuffling can be a very useful feature while creating some applications like quiz, scramble games etc. or might be useful in many ways. So we will make this thing happens with some simple and basic way. We will take an array of element or numbers, and we will apply some logic on them to shuffle in random order. So let’s see how we can do it.
Shuffling an Array: Classical Way
Okay, so we can perform this shuffling task using Math.random() method, which returns a random number between 0 and 1. So, as you can see in the below code, we have created an array of some random elements. Now we have created a function which takes an array as parameter, then we added a for loop in this function. We will run this loop from the length of the array till i>0 condition, and we are just decrementing the value of i.
In this loop, we are calling Math.random() method, which simply returns a random value from 0 to 1, and we will multiply this value with 1 incremented value of i. For example, if Math.random() returns 0.45543 then we will multiply with i+1 which is let say is 6, then we will get 2.73158. Now we need only integer number since array’s indexes are in integer, for that we have to apply Math.floor() method which will removes the decimal part and returns integer (here 2).
After getting a random position, we need to store that value of the same index into temp, and we will assign array of new position in that array index. And finally, we will assign the value of temp into the array of new position index.
It seems pretty awkward to understand, so let’s see an example for that, let’s assume we are on first rotation of loop, here i = 5 and let’s say we got newpos =3. So now temp will be empty by default, so with this temp = arry[5]
(since i=5) line will assign the value of arry[5] into the temp (here arr[5] = “fish”). And arry[5]= arr[3], so arry[5] = “dog”, finally arry[3] =temp, so arry[3]= “fish”.
let arr = ["apple","banana","cat","dog","egg","fish"];
let newArr = function(arry){
let temp,
for(let i= arry.length - 1; i>0; i--){
newpos = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1));
temp = arry[i];
arry[i] = arry[newpos];
arry[newpos] = temp;
return arry;
let arr1 = newArr(arr);

Shuffling an Array: Alternative Way
It is the possibility that we can perform this task with some other ways, but here is another way to do this same thing which makes code a little bit smaller than before. As you can see below, we have made another simple logic which is way smaller than above one using just sort() method. So here we are returning Math.random() - 0.5
in sort method. This method also known as comparison method where we are deciding swapping of value based on nature of random number.
For example, we have called this method for the first time, then callback function will be run here Math.random returns a value between -0.5 to 4.9999. So if this returns a negative value, then the first two will not be swapped. And if it is positive then both values will be swapped (here swapping will be done among the first two value since it is first iteration).
Let’s say we got -0.43 at first iteration, then apple and banana won’t be swapped. And let’s say at second iteration we got something like 0.2 then banana and cat will be swapped (here banana won’t be always in the pair with cat, it depends on previous swapping condition).
let arr = ["apple","banana","cat","dog","egg","fish"];
let newArr = function(arry){
return arry.sort( ()=>Math.random()-0.5 );
let arr1 = newArr(arr);