In PHP, I used the following codes to Remove special characters except alphabets, numbers,comma, fullstop and space.
$text = "test, 22222 @% test test test.";
$message = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9,. ]/', '', $text);
How can I achieve the same using javascript. I knew of javascript replace params below but its not giving me what I want
var text = "test, 22222 @% test test test.";
var message = text.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9,. ]/);
var text = "test, 22222 @% test test test.";
var message = text.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9,. ]/g, '');
The key difference is that you need to add the g flag at the end of the regular expression to indicate global matching. This way, it will replace all occurrences of the specified characters in the input string.
So, in the code above, any character that is not a letter (A-Za-z), number (0-9), comma, period (full stop), or space will be removed from the text string, and the result will be stored in the message variable.
function processText() { var originalText = document.getElementById("originalText").value; var processedText = originalText.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9, .]/g, ''); document.getElementById("resultText").textContent = processedText; }
<p>Original Text:</p> <textarea id="originalText" rows="4" cols="50">test, 22222 @% test test test.</textarea> <button onclick="processText()">Process Text</button> <p>Processed Text:</p> <p id="resultText"></p>